The Hope Falls Vaulting Club made history last weekend by hosting Montana’s inaugural equestrian vaulting competition.
The Under The Big Sky Vaulting Competition drew in participants from across Montana and beyond, bringing competitors from four states to the Kings Arena just outside of Great Falls during the first weekend in June.
Coach and vaulting club owner Gina Fieldler said that organizing the competition was a lot of work that paid off.
She explained, “We travel multiple times a year to different competitions within our region and beyond. We go all over the place, and it was really nice to be able to bring one to Montana and be able to have some of those fun clubs that we've gotten to know to come dance.”
Vaulting combines gymnastics and dance on horseback. Competitors at the meet trained long and hard, honing in on their skills and setting goals for themselves to compete.
“It felt good, I set a goal for myself to beat last year’s scoring, so it made me feel good when I did,” explained Avelyn, a vaulter with the vaulting club.
Competitors ranged from novice to advanced levels, performing a series of routines judged on technique, creativity, and harmony with horses.

Marshall Fiedler expressed his excitement about the milestone event, adding his hope for getting the word out about the sport: “I hope to see how many people come in and just enjoy the show. And to really get the word out so that they understand what vaulting is all about. I know the kids have been working hard.”
All of the Hope Falls Vaulters received qualifying scores, which will aid them in working towards the long-term goal of qualifying for nationals.
Gina added, “We've got about nine that are looking at going to nationals this year. This is a lot of emotions for them because they've been waiting for this, so they're very excited and I’m very proud, very proud of them all.”
For more information, click here to visit the Hope Falls website.