

This Week in Fish and Wildlife: Looking to manage elk in Montana


BOZEMAN — For the past six months, the 12 members of the Elk Management Advisory Group have been meeting, looking at ways to better manage elk in Montana.

Fish, Wildlife and Parks Morgan Jacobsen tells our Chet Layman that the reality is there are too many elk in some areas, and not enough in others. Elk are also a problem for some private landowners and that has sometimes hampered hunter access. The advisory group has come up with a list of recommendations. Jacobsen notes that these are just that, recommendations not policies. He says the public has a chance to look over the recommendations and can comment on any or all of them for a few more weeks.

Jacobsen says thee are 15 areas the advisory group looked at and those are found on the FWP website. He says public comment will be taken on these until Friday, October, 14 and 5:00 pm. He says then the recommendations will be looked at along with the comments and suggestions from the public. He says you can see the suggestions by going to and scrolling to the bottom of the first page where the Elk Management tab is listed.