Montana 5th graders are getting an opportunity to have their poster design featured for the National Missing Children's Day poster.
The Montana Department of Justice and Office of Public Instruction are now accepting submissions for the poster contest for National Missing Children's Day.
The theme for 2020, which needs to be represented in the poster submission, is "Bring Our Missing Children Home"
The student whos poster is chosen as the top state admission will receive an award and attend a ceromony with Attorney General Tim Fox, and the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction Elsie Arntzen in Helena and will also receive a $100 cash prize.
The winning Montana poster will then be entered into the national contest. According to a press release from the Montana DOJ the national contest winner, along with his/her parents and teacher, will be awarded a trip to Washingon, D.C. to participate in the National Missing Children's Day ceremony on May 20, 2020.
The students submission needs to include the following criteria:
Posters must be original, handcrafted artwork; 8 ½ x 14 inches in size, with the words “Bringing Our Missing Children Home” appearing on the poster. Posters with digitally produced images, collages, cut-outs, and stamping will not be accepted. Poster artwork will be judged on originality, creativity, use of color and materials, and reflection of contest theme.
The submission also needs to include a student application. The applications are also judged on the level of understanding of the subject, clarity, and grammar appropriate for the fifth grade.
The deadline to submit a poster and application is February 21st of 2020. You can find the application on
DOJ's website