NewsMontana and Regional News


Hunting is prohibited in Glacier National Park

"Violators are investigated and aggressively prosecuted"
and last updated

With the opening of various hunting seasons, Glacier National Park officials remind hunters that no hunting of any kind is permitted within the park. It is the responsibility of hunters to ensure that they are not hunting within park boundaries, even if the boundary is not clearly marked or indicated.

Federal Regulations at Title 36 CFR, Chapter 1, Part 2, Sect. 2.4 (b), strictly prohibit the killing or removal of any animal, living or dead, from inside the park. Taking and removing any animal parts, including shed antlers is prohibited. Use of artificial lighting, also known as spotlighting, to view wildlife is prohibited. Possession of bows, spears, traps or nets in the park is prohibited. The use of bugles, animal/varmint calls, audio attractants, or any artificial or natural means of attracting wildlife (including antler rattling, bugling, or wolf howling imitations) are also prohibited in the park.

Hunters may not pursue, dress out, or transport legally wounded or killed animals that end up within park boundaries unless they are accompanied by a park ranger. Hunters should call park headquarters at 406-888-7800 to report such incidents and to arrange for a ranger escort.

Violators are investigated and aggressively prosecuted and are subject to penalties including fines, restitution, and the forfeiture of vehicles, equipment and personal property associated with the violations.

Park rangers operate random check stations during hunting season to verify compliance with hunting and firearms regulations. Rangers also combine wildlife research monitoring flights with hunting patrols and other plain-clothes surveillance techniques to prevent poaching within the park.

The public is encouraged to help preserve the natural resources of the area by reporting illegal or suspicious hunting activity. Reporting parties do not have to identify themselves and all reports are kept confidential. Rewards may be paid for information leading to the arrest and/or conviction of individuals who violate hunting regulations. Call park headquarters at 406-888-7800; after hours, call the Flathead County Sheriff’s Office at 406-758-5610, or 1-800-TIP-MONT (1-800-847-6668).

Hunters should use caution when hunting near the park’s borders, particularly where park hiking trails run near park boundaries.

Hunters should also be familiar with the following park boundaries:

  • Along the North Fork of the Flathead River, from the Canadian border south to the Middle Fork confluence, the park’s west boundary runs down the middle of the main channel of the river.
  • Along the Middle Fork of the Flathead River, from the North Fork confluence to Java, the park’s southern boundary is located at the normal high water mark on the park side (north) of the river.
  • Also on the Middle Fork of the Flathead River, from Java Creek to Summit Creek, (Essex/Walton area to the Blackfeet Nation boundary) the park boundary is located 100 feet north of the center of the Burlington Northern/Santa Fe Railroad tracks.

For further information, please call park headquarters at 406-888-7800.