With hunting season around the corner, it's important to stay safe while using firearms.
You are required to take a hunter's safety course that is approved by Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks if you were born after January 1, 1985 in order to purchase a Montana Hunting License.
FWP can teach you about firearm safety, but before practicing at a game range or heading out to the field, there is one thing you must remember.
"Always keep the firearm pointed in a safe direction, a safe direction is in the direction of something you want to take game wise. Finger off the trigger until ready to shoot, keep the gun unloaded until ready to use," said Lee Williams with Bozeman's Zero In Indoor Shooting Center.
Many first-time hunters are inexperienced so it's important they know and understand the basics and safety procedures.
"To be able to do that the right way, you want to make sure you take them out without a live animal and teach them the basics that they need to know," Williams added.
It's important for young children who are under the age of 12.
"If you’re taking your son or daughter out for the first time through the apprenticeship program who haven’t had a chance to take hunter safety, you want to go over the basics with them," said Williams. "Teach them how the firearm works, what it does, what it can do. Bring them into a range, let them get familiar with it, have one of us help out with instruction with safety and basics as well."
The Montana Hunter’s Safety certificate is accepted in all states that require mandatory hunter education.
to learn more about hunter safety and education in Montana.