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Veterans take part in Project Healing Waters

Veterans and Guides with Project Healing Waters
Posted at 10:33 AM, Oct 05, 2023
and last updated 2023-10-05 12:33:01-04

CASCADE — In the video below, Paul Sanchez reports on veterans from around the state gathering to take part in Project Healing Waters. Click here to visit the program website.

Veterans take part in Project Healing Waters


Well, I had a hard time after retirement adjusting, and I grew up in the military and then I did 24 years myself. And I was just kind of wasting away at home to the point where my son told me I need to get a life.

Come on out. You're just veterans and you qualify. So with Home talk my wife about it and started going to meetings and this thing and now I'm having a great time. I get to meet a lot of people. I've met a lot of great friends, get together, tie flies, build fly rods, just a lot of fun.

I would suggest this for all veterans combat, non-combat and any veterans that are looking to get out and experience nature or volunteer and help other veterans in positions of this, or whether they be guides or helping with food or whatever, I think every veteran should help other veterans. Right?

This program has monthly meetings that teaches all aspects of fly fishing. From tying flies to rod building techniques of casting. And finally, that day on the water.

After fishing a couple of years with with the project, just knowing how much the vets appreciate just being able to get out of the water and what I feel it does for them or what what I see that it does for them. I think that's why I've always just jumped at the opportunity to help out.

Once these veterans hit the water, these fish had no chance.

Personally, it's helped me get more tools for my toolbox, not just for fishing, but for life and building those kind of relationships and that connection where you care about other people and how they're doing and checking up on them and making sure that, you know, they feel valued. I feel that. And it's it's just an awesome thing to experience that those relationship ups and those connections that fly fishing brings.

After a long day of fishing, these veterans were reminded that they are not forgotten. Even though we still have our days that we struggle with. We will always remember that day on the river.