NewsMontana and Regional News


Yellowstone County Commissioners approve special zoning for proposed gravel pit southwest of Billings

Public presented many concerns
and last updated

The Yellowstone County Commissioners approved a proposed Special Zoning District Friday for a proposed gravel mine in southwest Billings.

Neighbors in southwest Billings have spoken out against the proposed gravel mine, which would be at the former Oscar’s Dreamland.

On Friday, the public presented concerns to a range of area officials, including the city of Billings, Yellowstone County commissioners, state representatives, and the Montana Department of Environmental Quality.

Major concerns brought forward during the meeting were the impacts on traffic and traffic safety.

Increased truck traffic from gravel operations, residents said, pose a significant threat to public safety, including school children.

Noise pollution and damage to the Yellowstone River watershed were among the other concerns talked about at the meeting.

Nicole Cromwell, the zoning coordinator for the city of Billings, said the district will serve the public interest and convenience, adding that it just creates an outside boundary.

"That planning and zoning commission after that meeting if the district would not happen until after the 30-day protest period would runs after the creation. During that time, any property owner can submit a formal protest of the creation of the district."