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Ramsay residents appeal truck stop's liquor license

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RAMSAY - Some residents of the quiet community of Ramsay are appealing the state’s decision to grant a liquor license to a truck stop that plans to locate next to this small neighborhood west of Butte.

“We don’t necessary feel that they actually met all of the qualifications that are required by the state,” said Ramsay resident Jim Ayres.

For almost three years, most Ramsay residents have opposed the plans for a Love’s Travel Stop out of fear that it will bring unwanted traffic and crime to the bedroom community.

“Everybody wants to live in a good neighborhood where they don’t have to worry so much about crime, and Ramsay right now is that good community,” said Ayres.

Even if the residents of Ramsay lose the appeal of the liquor license, community leaders say they haven’t given up the fight.

“There’s still some environmental issues as far as these sewage lagoons and stuff, they haven’t gotten clearance from the EPA yet, so it’s not a done deed,” said Ayres.

Community leaders in Ramsay fear if the truck stop does eventually locate here the community will lose many of its residents.

“Why would you drive 11 minutes each way just to get to the same problems you have if you stayed in town,” he said.

A representative of Love's Travel Stop said in an email Tuesday they are happy with the state's decision and added: "we’re looking forward to opening our doors, being a part of the community and providing quality products and services to the people of Ramsay.”