Sunday October 27 is the Good Samaritan Ministries Fashion Show Fundraiser, with the theme being the Titanic era.
This year there are a couple changes though.
The event will kick off at the Knights of Columbus Hall (1867 Washington Street) from 3:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. for a mini fashion show and social.
A new feature to the annual event is a way for people to participate virtually by bidding online for the auction items.
The auction goes live at 6:00 p.m. October 27 and runs through November 1.
All funds go to the organization’s Assistance Ministry which helps thousands of people in the community every year.
“Our assistance program funds housing, clothes, helps with automobile repairs, medical bills, treatment costs. Anything and everything that the community needs,” said Danielle Money, Community Outreach coordinator.
That assistance ensures that families are able to overcome hardship and not end up homeless.
A full list of this year’s auction items can be found here.