HELENA — Managers at God’s Love homeless shelter in Helena say that while warmer weather means changes in their clientele, the area’s homeless community still needs help.
During the dangerously cold weather this past winter, the shelter was filled past capacity with many having to sleep on the floor.
But Tim Saunders, God’s Love office manager, says in the summer many of the area’s homeless will choose to camp. He says the shelter does see more women in the summer. God’s Love is currently sleeping around 25 individuals, and some do have to sleep on the floor.
The shelter still helps those who are not sleeping there, and donations like hats, water bottles, camping gear and sunscreen are some of the most needed items.
Saunders said, “My spiel is, if you see anyone who looks pretty desperate outside, talk with them and try to get them somewhere cool, and even tell them to come down.”
Saunders added that they cannot accept anyone who has been kicked out previously but would be willing to give them cool water and food and to help them find shade.
According to the 2019 data from the state’s Point in Time survey of homeless individuals, God’s Love Shelter serves about 38 adults and 15 children.
The survey is done annually toward the end of January.
For more information about God’s Love Shelter and how to help, call (406) 442-7000.
-Reported by Christine Sullivan/MTN News