HELENA – The West Mont Flower and Trading Co. delivery vehicle that was reported stolen Monday has been recovered with no serious damage.
Program director Robin Farrell said Helena Police contacted him Tuesday morning saying the 2008 Subaru Forester had been found outside city limits.
The vehicle was returned in pretty good condition, but there was damage to the bumper and someone had attempted to remove one of the decals.
Staff said they’re thankful for the police work and the huge community support they received when trying to locate the SUV.
“It was amazing how many people came out and supported us in attempting to find the vehicle,” said Farrell. “Not everybody gets to live in a community like this and I guess that’s why we all live here. It was pretty special.”
The non-profit uses the vehicle to not only deliver flowers, but also get their clients with developmental disabilities out and interacting in the community.
Farrell said in response to the theft, a community member has offered to donate their 1991 Chevy Suburban to the flower shop.
The Helena Police Department stated the case is under investigation and anyone with information about the theft should call them at 406-447-8461.
People can also leave a tip anonymously through Crime Stoppers by calling 406-443-2000.
-Reported by John Riley/MTN News