At a time when things seem dreary due to COVID-19, two women are riding their bikes around the city of Manhattan, providing memories that will last a lifetime.
“It does make you feel like you’re doing a little something to make people happy, give back, to spread a little bit of joy and put a smile on people’s faces,” said Photographer Missy Short.
Inspired by a photographer from Massachusetts, Short is going around taking pictures of families in front of their homes as a part of the Front Steps Project.
“It was just a really inspiring story, so I thought why not offer that here in my community,” Short said.
Short is not doing it alone, after taking her first pictures earlier this week, she inspired photographer Erin Wells to join in after she took pictures of her family.
“I thought it was the best idea ever," said Wells.
Although their service is free, the two photographers are asking their customers for one thing in return for the pictures.
“We’re just asking people to donate to a local charity, or just support a local business, get take out, all these businesses are suffering so much right now as well," said Short.
Having families of their own, taking pictures of family moments is something special to Short and Wells.
“Being able to capture those little moments in people's lives and they can always have something they can always look back on," said Wells. "That’s something you can always take with you.”
But most importantly it’s about staying upbeat during a difficult time.
“I think it’s really important for us to stay positive," Short said. "I think this is going to be really hard on all of us. Just finding the positive in your day and finding those people in your day who are bringing a little bit of sunshine and remembering that we can do with a little bit of action, we can do a lot for people and make them happy."
If you would like to see more pictures from Short and Wells as a part of the Front Step Project, you can visit their Facebook pages, Miss Short Photography and Erin Kaye Photography .