Real Food For a Healthy Planet

11:39 AM, Jan 02, 2024
11:39 AM, Jan 02, 2024
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Helena’s Real Food Market and Deli is a locally-owned business whose mission is health, with the conviction that healthy people and a healthy planet go hand in hand.

Your food choices have a profound effect on your personal well-being. As the head of the FDA recently stated, “Diet-related chronic diseases are the leading causes of death and disability in the U.S...” But food is not only a way to avoid disease, it’s a key to looking, feeling and performing your best, whether you’re a world-class athlete or a world-class mom. It’s a source of vitality and zest for life.

Your food choices also have a profound effect on our home planet. As Laughing Water, Real Food’s owner says, “nothing makes a bigger mark on the planet than your knife and fork.” Our global food system accounts for a quarter to a third of greenhouse gas emissions. But more than that, it wipes out natural habitats, drains our aquifers, pollutes our air, land and oceans, and contributes to the fastest extinction of living creatures since the dinosaurs.

At the recent U.N. Climate Summit in Dubai, most of the countries of the world agreed that if we want to control climate change, we need to revamp our food system. At Real Food you don’t have to wait for diplomats or business leaders to make that happen. While institutional changes are essential to a livable future, you can reduce your environmental footprint today—and nudge those institutions—by choosing foods that are plant-based, organically grown and locally produced.

These foods happen to be great for your health as well, and these are foods that Real Food specializes in. (There’s a role for livestock too, and that’s a story Real Food is more than happy to tell.)

You can also do the planet and your budget a good turn by reducing food waste, which accounts for about 30-40 percent of all food produced. You can do it with careful planning, storage and handling. And with Real Food’s abundant selection of bulk foods, you can further reduce waste by buying exactly the quantities you want and eliminating unnecessary packaging.

Real Food Market and Deli is all about delicious, affordable food that gives you and your family the vitality to live your life to the fullest while contributing to the health of the natural world.


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