The Airport’s primary runway will be getting a rehab this summer to ensure the paving is in a good and safe condition for another 20 years of service. The first phase will include a full depth reconstruction of the eastern 2,700 feet of the runway. The Eastern end requires full depth reconstruction to ensure the base material is frost resistant to prevent frost heaves and premature deterioration. During this time, the airlines will still be able to use the runway, it will just be shortened up. At 9,000 feet in length the runway has adequate length to operate in a shortened status. However, during the application of the final pavement surface the entire length, the runway will be closed June 6-13, 2021. For those 8 days only, the runway will not be useable and there will be no airline flights in or out of Helena June 6-13 only. The runway will re-open on June 14 and airline flights will resume.
Helena Regional Airport Summer Project Runway Closure Information